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1. Karma Rivero GT 2. Toyota Prius Prime 3. Toyota Camry
4. Audi A3
5. Ford Fusion
6. Honda Accord 7. Hyundi Ioniq 8. Kia Optima
9. Toyota RAV 4
10. Kia Niro
usually cheaper than using gasoline, sometimes much cheaper. However, fuel savings may or may not offset
the higher vehicle cost. It depends
on the vehicle, the share of miles operating on electricity, fuel costs,
and ownership length. Federal tax incentives up to $7,500 are currently available for qualifying Plug-Ins. ReCharging Time using a 120-volt household outlet can take several hours. Re-charging using a 240-volt home or public charger can take about 1 to 4 hours. A “fast charge” to eighty percent capacity may take as little as 30 minutes. However, these vehicles don’t have to be plugged in. They
can be fueled solely with gasoline
but will not achieve maximum range
or fuel economy without charging. Estimating Fuel Economy for a Plug-
In can operate on electricity alone, gasoline alone, or a mixture of the
two, EPA provides a fuel economy estimate for gasoline-only operation and an estimate for electric-only or gas-and-electric operation—both
for combined city-highway driving. Energy Storage Systems, usually batteries, are essential for
hybrid electric vehicles, Plug-
In Hybrid electric vehicles,
and All-Electric vehicles.
LithiumIon Batteries are currently used in most portable consumer electronics such as cell phones and laptops because of their high energy per unit mass relative to other electrical energy storage systems. They also have a high power-to-weight ratio, high energy efficiency, good high-temperature
                      PTWO BASIC PLUG-IN HYBRID CONFIGURATIONS lug-In Hybrids, sometimes • Using a larger electric motor that called Plug-In Hybrid- typically allows the vehicle to use Electric Vehicles (PHEV), are electricity at higher speeds.
hybrids with high-capacity • Using regenerative braking to
batteries that can be recover energy typically wasted charged by plugging them into an when you apply the brakes.
 electrical outlet or charging station. They can store enough electricity to significantly reduce their petroleum use under typical driving conditions. Series Plug-In Hybrid also called Extended Range Electric Vehicles (EREV). Only the electric motor turns the wheels. The gasoline engine only generates electricity. Series Plug-Ins can run solely on electricity until the battery runs down. The gasoline engine then generates electricity to power the electric
motor. For short trips, these vehicles might use no gasoline at all.
Parallel Or Blended Plug-In Hybrids have the engine and electric motor connected to the wheels and propel the vehicle under most driving conditions. Electric-only operation usually occurs only at low speeds.
Some Plug-In Hybrids have higher-capacity batteries and
can go further on electricity than others. PHEV fuel economy can
be sensitive to driving style, driving conditions, and accessory use. Plug-In Hybrids Save Money
with reduced fuel costs by:
• Using high-capacity batteries that
allow them to operate on electricity from the outlet for significant distances—operating on electricity typically costs less than half as much as operating on gasoline.
Plug-In Hybrid designs differ, and your driving habits, especially the distance you drive between re-charging, can have a big effect on your fuel bill. My Plug-In Hybrid Calculator estimates gasoline and electricity costs for
any available Plug-In Hybrid using your driving habits and fuel costs. Benefits And Challenges Did you know that environmental benefits of Plug-In Hybrids and Electric Vehicles increase if they are powered by electricity
from Green Sources like solar, wind
or small-scale hydroelectricity. Find out more about green power and how you can purchase it in your state.
Used Petroleum of Plug-In Hybrids have roughly thirty to sixty percent less petroleum than conventional vehicles. Since electricity is produced mostly from domestic resources, Plug-In Hybrids reduce oil dependence. Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Plug-In Hybrids typically emit less greenhouse gas than conventional vehicles. However, the amount generated depends partly on how the electricity is produced. For example, nuclear and hydroelectric plants are cleaner than coal-fired power plants.
Higher Vehicle Costs and Lower Fuel Costs of a Plug-In Hybrid can cost roughly $4,000 to $8,000 thousand more than a comparable non- Plug-In Hybrid. Using electricity is
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